27 février 2024
12h45 - 14h00
D.305 (bâtiment Dupriez)
Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Mahua Agrawal (Chaire Hoover)
Certain men and women who are currently viewed as falling conceptually under the transgender umbrella and thereby acknowledged using the transgender/trans label. For discussion purposes, I shall refer to such individuals as fully-sex-reassigned persons (FSPs). I isolate four distinct characteristics of FSPs and go on to argue that in the case of such persons, the trans label ushers in a range of drawbacks. Using the parlance of recognition theory, I will further demonstrates how using the trans label to refer to FSPs constitutes a glaring-yet-unacknowledged case of mis-recognition. Referring to FSPs without the trans tag removes its negative ramifications and recognises such individuals in a manner that respects their own identity-specific convictions. This, thereby, supplies strong normative impetus for acknowledging FSPs simply as men and male or women and female.