Workshop - Practical Philosophy across the Fjords III

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

22 janvier 2021

14:00 - 16:00


Link to join on zoom:

[14:00-14:15: Connect and make sure technology is working; welcome and introduction]

14:15-14:30: Alejandro Berrotaran (UCL) “Should the right to bequeath be a basic liberty?”
14:30-14:45: Erika Brandl Mouton (UiB), "From principles to practice: moral obligations of architects towards realizing the human right to housing"
14:45-15:00: Pablo Scotto Benito (UCL) “Universal Basic Income and the Duty to Work”

15:00-15:15: Break

15:15-15:30: David Vogt (UiB), "Is social injustice normatively relevant for criminal justice?"
15:30-15:45: Manuel Valente (UCL) “Basic Income and the Problem of Unequal Longevity”
15:45-16:00: Sindre August Horn (UiB), "Health, equality, and the worse off" (Bergen)