28 avril 2022
29 avril 2022
Joint conference (online) with the Centre de Recherche en Éthique (CRÉ, Université de Montréal), the Parr Center for Ethics (University of Northern Carolina) and NoSoPhi (Université Paris 1).
Link to the online conference: https://umontreal.zoom.us/j/85371446499?pwd=UDJkc3lJUXA5Ym9pdDZmTEI2d1ZLZz09
Programme :
Day 1: April 28 |
Time (EST) |
Time (CET) |
Program |
9:00 |
15:00 |
Welcome remarks – Sarah Stroud (Parr) |
9:05 |
15:05 |
Juan Olano (Chaire Hoover), "Are tech lumpenproletarians dominated?" |
9:30 |
15:30 |
Discussion |
10:00 |
16:00 |
Juliette Monvoisin (NoSoPhi), "Vulnerability, States’ Obligations and Migration Justice" |
10:25 |
16:25 |
Discussion |
10:55 |
16:55 |
Break |
11:10 |
17:10 |
Delaney Thull (Parr), “Non-Moral Anger” |
11:35 |
17:35 |
Discussion |
12:05 |
18:05 |
Éliot Litalien (CRÉ), “On the Value of Agency” |
12:30 |
18:30 |
Discussion |
13:00 |
19:00 |
Closing remarks – Magali Bessone (NoSoPhi) |
Day 2: April 29 |
Time (EST) |
Time (CET) |
Program |
9:00 |
15:00 |
Welcome remarks – Axel Gosseries (Chaire Hoover) |
9:05 |
15:05 |
Nicolas Nayfeld (NoSoPhi), "Our attitudes towards offenders" |
9:30 |
15:30 |
Discussion |
10:00 |
16:00 |
Federica Berdini (CRÉ), "Outline of a Philosophical Theory of Coping". |
10:25 |
16:25 |
Discussion |
10:55 |
16:55 |
Break |
11:10 |
17:10 |
Pablo Scotto (Chaire Hoover), "The four-day work week: increasing flexibility or deepening the work/life dichotomy?" |
11:35 |
17:35 |
Discussion |
12:05 |
18:05 |
Evan Jones (Parr), “Covid, Death, Dignity: NYC’s Hart Island Cemetery and the Ethics of Caring for the Dead” |
12:30 |
18:30 |
Discussion |
13:00 |
19:00 |
Closing remarks – Ryoa Chung & Kristin Voigt (CRÉ) |