Archives for LSM
Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons
March 30, 2021
Webinar / "From CSR 1.0 to CSR 4.0: creating profitable...
There is increasing evidence that disruption in different industries happens through the implementation of powerful triple-impact strategies, i.e., businesses that generate economic, social, and environmental impact.
What are the powerful trends that increasingly force businesses to implement...
Click to know more March 27, 2021
27.03.21 / Portes ouvertes virtuelles UCLouvain
Une Journée live pour t'informer sur les études et la vie étudiante à L'UCLouvain !
Click to know more March 24, 2021
Marine De Ridder / Soutenance de thèse "Délibérez!...
Le Recteur de l'Université catholique de Louvain et la Commission doctorale en Sciences économiques et de Gestion font savoir que Madame Marine De Ridder soutiendra publiquement sa dissertation, pour l'obtention du titre de Docteur en Sciences économiques et de Gestion de l’UCLouvain....
Click to know more March 22, 2021
Wenli Peng / Thesis defense "Supply Chain Modelling with...
The Rector of UCLouvain and the Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences announce that Ms Wenli Peng will publicly support her dissertation, for the title of Doctor in Economics and Management Sciences of UCLouvain.
Title: "Supply Chain Modelling with...
Click to know more March 04, 2021
Online discussion panel / "Women in leadership:...
While overall the numbers remain low, gender equality is increasing. 41 of the companies on the Fortune 500 list currently have female CEOs compared to only 33 in 2019 and 24 in 2018. Furthermore, in the public sector, 2020 has proven to be a strong year with more women elected to high office...
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