Archives for CORE

CORE Seminar

Seminar: Marion Collewet

The Effect of Working Hours on Life Satisfaction Marion Collewet, CORE This paper exploits variation in the regular length of the full-time workweek in the German public sector over time and across federal states to identify the effect of weekly working hours on life satisfaction. ...
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Seminar: Kalina Manova

TBA Kalina Manova, Oxford  
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CORE Seminar

Seminar: Avinash Bhardwaj

TBA Avinash Bhardwaj, CORE
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Seminar: Francis de Vericourt

TBA Francis de VERICOURT, ESMT Berlin  
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Seminar: Peter Feldhutter

The Myth of the Credit Spread Puzzle Peter FELDHUTTER, London Business School We ask whether standard structural models of credit risk are able to explain credit spreads on corporate bonds and, in contrast to much of the literature, we find that the models match the level of investment...
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