Archives for CORE

Seminar: Piero Gottardi

A Theory of Repurchase Agreements, Collateral Re-use, and Repo Intermediation Piero Gottardi, European University Institute (Joint paper with Vincent Maurin, European University Institute, and Cyril Monnet, University of Bern, SZ Gerzensee & Swiss National Bank) This paper...
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CORE Seminar

Seminar: Alberto Prati

Hedonic Recall Bias. Why You Should Not Ask People How Much They Earn Alberto Prati, AMSE (Joint with Claudia Senik) The empirical literature which explores the effect of income on job satisfaction typically uses data drawn from social surveys. In these surveys, the amount of income is...
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Seminar: Kostas Margellos

Proximal algorithms for distributed optimisation over uncertain networks Kostas MARGELLOS, University of Oxford In this talk we provide a proximal minimization based algorithm for distributed convex optimization over time- varying multi-agent networks, in the presence of constraints and...
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Seminar: Victor Martinez de Albeniz

Using Early Click Information in Online Flash Sales Campaigns Victor MARTINEZ de ALBENIZ, IESE Business School Flash sales retailers organize online campaigns where products are sold for a short period of time at a deep discount. The demand in these events is very uncertain, but...
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Seminar: Johannes Johnen

Browsing versus Studying Offers Johannes JOHNEN, CORE A large literature studies the implications of the observation that before making a purchase, consumers must search for and understand the available products. Most of this literature assumes that if a consumer chooses to search a...
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