Archives for CORE

Seminar: Helyette Geman

Helyette Geman, University of London
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Public Finance Workshop

Jean Hindriks and Pierre Pestieau together with a group of academics in Osaka University (Japan) have decided to renew the annual meeting in public finance between Japan and Belgium. The workshop will be held on March 2-3, 2017 at CORE, in Louvain-la-Neuve. Attendance is free, but...
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Seminar: Takeshi Murooka

The Timing of Choice-Enhancing Policies Takeshi Murooka, University of Munich Recent studies investigate policies motivating consumers to make an active choice as a way to protect unsophisticated consumers. We analyze the optimal timing of such choice-enhancing policies when a firm can...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Seminar: Mery Ferrando

Evolution of Income Poverty Under Unequal Growth: Settling the Dispute Between Absolutists and Relativists Mery Ferrando, CORE We study the impact on income poverty of unequal growth experienced in the US over 1989-2013 using a new measure of poverty. This measure accounts for both the...
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Seminar: Antonio Cabrales

What You Know... Can't Hurt You? A Field Experiment on Relative Performance Feedback in Higher Education Antonio Cabrales, University College London Joint paper with Ghazala Azmat, Manuel Bagues and Nagore Iriberri This paper studies the effect of providing feedback to college students...
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