Archives for CORE

CORE Lecture Series: Alfred GALICHON

Optimal Transport And Economic Applications: Modelling and Estimation These lectures will introduce the theory of optimal transport, and applications to discrete choice analysis and to the estimation of matching markets. The basics of optimal transport are recalled. A compact presentation of...
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Bridging Gaps: CORE@50 Conference

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SITB 2016

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Debate on Social Justice

CORE-Chaire Hoover seminar within the framework of the 50th anniversary of CORE, introduced by Marc FLEURBAEY (Princeton University, DHC UCLouvain) and Philippe VAN PARIS (Chaire Hoover). Moderator: Erik SCHOKKAERT (KU Leuven). Organizer: François MANIQUET (CORE). This meeting corganized by...
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Conference: Are Emotions Rational?

On 17 May 2016, Eyal WINTER (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), author of "Feeling smart. Why our emotions are more rational than we think" (PublicAffairs, 2014) will give a lecture on emotions and rationality. It will be followed by a round table chaired by Pierre DEHEZ (CORE), with the...
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