Archives for ISBA

14:30 / Statistics Seminars

Eugen Pircalabelu, ISBA - UCLouvain

Statistics Seminars Eugen Pircalabelu, ISBA - UCLouvain "Using vine copulas to estimate the structure of directed acyclical graphs" Abstract: We present a new method of estimating and selecting a Bayesian network for continuous data with the goal of stepping outside the class...
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YRD : Young Researchers Day | February 15, 2019

Programme YRD 15/02/2019 09h00 : Sophie Mathieu "Uncertainty Quantification in Sunspot Counts" 09h30 : Nathalie Lucas "Experience rating in health insurance using a Hidden Markov Model" 10h00 : Oswaldo Gressani "Bayesian P-splines and Laplace's method for inference in...
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14:30 / Applied statistics workshops

Fabien Francis, Micropole Consulting Belgium

Atelier de statistique appliquée Fabien Francis, Micropole Consulting Belgium "Les avantages du cloud : Créer et déployer rapidement des modèles de Machine Learning avec Amazon SageMaker" Abstract: Après un bref tour d’horizon des offres de cloud computing, nous explorerons une partie...
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Short courses

Eugen Pircalabelu, ISBA - UCLouvain

Introduction to high-dimensional statistics Content: More and more applications and problems nowadays require the estimation of many parameters. The field of high-dimensional statistics uses data whose effective dimension (read the number of parameters to be estimated) is much larger than...
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16:00 / Applied statistics workshops

Martin Ingram, University of Melbourne, Australia

Applied statistics workshop  Martin Ingram, University of Melbourne, Australia "Gaussian Processes for Paired Comparison Modelling" Abstract: Paired comparison models such as Elo and Glicko are popular for predicting the outcome of sporting events. Their closed-form...
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