Cluster Dual Degree

 CLUSTER (Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research) is a network of leading European Universities of Technology, founded in 1990. 
Representing a total of 2'500 professors, 11'000 teachers and researchers, 120'000 students, and 13’000 PhD students, CLUSTER may be considered as a multi-location European University for Science and Technology. With a combined budget of 3.1 billion EUR, of which 1.4 billion EUR is awarded through competition, it offers strong partnerships for the development of industry and society at a European level.

Institutional agreements have been signed for a 5-year renewable, in the frame of "Cluster Dual Master Degree" programmes. You will find below the list of Cluster Dual Master programmes to which UCL participates, together with their respective annexed programme detail which will give you more details about the content of each programme : 

- Degree programme in "Electrical Engineering, telecommunication engineering" : with  IST Lisbon
  IST Electrical
- Degree programme in "Mathematical engineering" : with KTH Stockholm
KTH Math. Ap.
- Degree programme in "Mathematical, Energy and Mechanical Engineering" : with KULeuven (see section" dual degree UCL-KuLeuven")