PhD projects

They are currently writing their PhD thesis at the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics under the supervision of CECL team members:

Laura Aguiar de Souza Penha Marion

PhD project: Directionality in empirical translation studies: Triangulating product and process data
Supervisors: Gaëtanelle Gilquin (UCLouvain) and Marie-Aude Lefer (UCLouvain)

Romane Bodart

PhD project: Assessing quality in student post-editing and translation
Supervisor: Marie-Aude Lefer (UCLouvain)

Alice Heylens

PhD project: Translating from Sign Language of French-Speaking Belgium (LSFB) into French: Analysis of Errors and Translation Solutions in Student and Expert Translation
Supervisors: Laurence Meurant (UNamur) and Marie-Aude Lefer (UCLouvain)

Lingmin Huang

PhD project: Lexical bundle use across EFL and ESL varieties
Supervisors: Sylviane Granger and Sylvie De Cock (UCLouvain)

HSU, Hung-Hsin (Romain)

PhD project: Corpus-based contrastive study of questions in French and Mandarin
Supervisor: Marie-Aude Lefer (UCLouvain)

Tim Marchand

PhD project: An investigation into expert and learner corpora of computer-mediated communication
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger (UCLouvain)

Thomas Prinzie

PhD project: Source and target influences on translator choices: The roles of salience and expertise
Supervisor: Marie-Aude Lefer (UCLouvain) 

Laurie Radar

PhD project: Dyslexia in L2 writing: a product- and process-based approach
Supervisor: Gaëtanelle Gilquin (UCLouvain) 

Rachel Rubin

PhD project: Lexicogrammatical complexity – A missing construct in L2 research
Supervisors: Alex Housen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Magali Paquot (UCLouvain)  

Yating Tao

PhD project: A corpus-driven approach to the valency patterns of TAKE and GIVE in New Englishes and Learner Englishes
Supervisor: Gaëtanelle Gilquin (UCLouvain)  

They completed their PhD thesis at the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics under the supervision of CECL team members:

Pauline Jadoulle

PhD project: Investigating noviceness and non-nativeness in academic writing: A crosslinguistic approach to stance, 2024
Supervisor: Magali Paquot (UCLouvain)

Tanguy Dubois

PhD project: Alternation phenomena in EFL learners: Probabilistic Grammar meets Usage-based approaches to Second Language Acquisition, 2023
Supervisors: Magali Paquot (UCLouvain) and Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (KUL)

Gervaise Picron

PhD project: Analyse linguistique des stades évolutifs de la compétence rédactionnelle à l'université, 2023
Supervisors: Anne-Catherine Simon (VALIBEL, UCLouvain) and Magali Paquot (UCLouvain)

Nate Vandeweerd

PhD project: Lexicogrammatical complexity in French as a Foreign Language: The impact of mode, 2022
Supervisors: Alex Housen and Magali Paquot

Amélie Bulon

PhD project: The acquisition of phraseological units by French-speaking learners of English and Dutch in CLIL and NON-CLIL settings: exposure effects on range and accuracy, 2019
Supervisor: Fanny Meunier

Basma Bouziri

PhD project: A corpus-assisted genre analysis of the Tunisian Lecture Corpus: focus on metadiscourse, 2019
Supervisor: Fanny Meunier

Isa Hendrikx

PhD project: The acquisition of intensifying constructions in Dutch and English by French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL students. Cross-linguistic influence and exposure effects, 2019
Supervisors: Kristel Van Goethem and Fanny Meunier

Samantha Laporte

PhD project: The patterning of the high-frequency verb make in varieties of English: A Construction Grammar approach, 2019
Supervisor: Gaëtanelle Gilquin

Maïté Dupont

PhD project: Conjunctive Markers of Contrast in English and French: From Syntax to Lexis and Discourse, 2019
Supervisors: Sylviane Granger and Liesbeth Degand

Amandine Dumont

PhD project: Fluency and disfluency: A corpus study of nonnative and native speaker (dis)fluency profiles, 2018
Supervisors: Gaëtanelle Gilquin and Sylviane Granger

Natassia Schutz

PhD project: Verbs in English for Academic Purposes: A cross-disciplinary corpus-driven study, 2017
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger

Ludivine Crible

PhD project: Discourse markers and (dis)fluency across registers: A contrastive usage-based study in English and French, 2017
Supervisors: Liesbeth Degand and Gaëtanelle Gilquin

Verena Möller

PhD project: The impact of Educational Setting:  A Study of the English Passive in German EFL and CLIL, 2016
Supervisors: Sylviane Granger and Ulrich Heid

Eric Nicaise

PhD project: Highlighting linguistic features of native-English teacher talk as a reference framework for French-speaking EFL teachers: a corpus study, 2015
Supervisor: Fanny Meunier

Damien Littré

PhD project: A cognitive, longitudinal study of the use of the English present progressive by intermediate and advanced French-speaking learners, 2014
Supervisor: Fanny Meunier

Diane Goossens

PhD project: Quantity approximation in business language. A contrastive, corpus-driven approach (Dutch, English, French), 2014
Supervisors: Sylvie De Cock and Philippe Hiligsmann

Arnaud Vincent

PhD project: A corpus linguistics approach to the rhetorical god gap in U.S. presidential campaigns, 2014
Supervisor: Fanny Meunier

Jennifer Thewissen

PhD project: A learner-corpus-based study of error developmental patterns: The impact of proficiency level, 2012
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger

Thana Hmidani

PhD project: Didactic modeling: teaching English tenses to First-Year university Arabic-speaking learners of English, 2010
Supervisor: Fanny Meunier

Marie-Aude Lefer

PhD project: Exploring lexical morphology across languages: A corpus-based study of prefixation in English and French writing, 2009
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger

Nora Condon

PhD project: Investigating a cognitive linguistic approach to the learning of English phrasal verbs, 2008
Supervisors: Sylviane Granger and Peter Kelly

Christelle Cosme

PhD project: Clause Linking across Languages A corpus-based study of coordination and subordination in English, French and Dutch, 2007
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger

Qin Ma

PhD project: Design and Evaluation of a Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning Program for Chinese Learners of English: A User-Centred Approach, 2007
Supervisors: Sylviane Granger and Peter Kelly

Magali Paquot

PhD project: EAP vocabulary in native and learner writing: From extraction to analysis. A phraseology-oriented approach, 2007
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger

Gaëtanelle Gilquin

PhD project: Corpus-based cognitive study of the main English causative verbs. A syntactic, semantic, lexical and stylistic approach, 2004
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger

Sylvie De Cock

PhD project: Recurrent Sequences of Words in Native Speaker and Advanced Learner Spoken and Written English: A Corpus-Driven Approach, 2003
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger

Jamal Koubali

PhD project: News and editorials in the British Press: A comparative discourse analysis study, 2000
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger

Fanny Meunier

PhD project: A computer corpus linguistics approach to interlanguage grammar: Noun phrase complexity in advanced learner writing, 2000
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger

Isabelle Knott

PhD project: The Function and Implications of Metaphor in British “Quality” and “Popular” Dailies, 1996
Supervisor: Sylviane Granger