Core courses [75.0]Dissertation and dissertation seminar (30 credits)LMUSI2891 Dissertation (part 1)
q1+q2 3 credits
LMUSI2892 Dissertation (part 2)FR
q1+q2 25 credits
LMUSI2890 Dissertation seminarFR
q1+q2 15h 2 credits
Disciplinary training (45 credits)LMUSI2450 Art and MusicLMUSI2470 Special questions of musical analysisLMUSI2852 Sacred MusicLMUSI2861 Historical Musicology Research SeminarLMUSI2871 Aesthetic and philosophy of musicLMUSI2881 Special questions on music history ALMUSI2894 Musicology seminar -
List of focusesOne professional focus among the following :
Professional Focus : Art and Music [30.0]30 credits chosen from :Content:Stages et pratiques disciplinairesLMUSI2895 Professional practice in musicology
q1+q2 200h 10 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans (coord.)
> Christophe Pirenne (coord.)
> Fanch Thoraval (coord.)
> Brigitte Van Wymeersch (coord.)
Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans (coord.)
20 to 30 credits chosen from:LFIAL2150 History of HumanismLFIAL2292 Art and LiteratureFR
q1 30h 5 credits
LHART2220 The iconology and sociology of artLHART2360 Art and new mediaLHART2380 History of art criticism (1750 - 1960)LRELI1252 History of Christianity: Modern TimesLROM2791 Literature, theatre and humanitiesLTHEO2431 Bible and culture -
Professional Focus : Management and Music [30.0]30 credits chosen from :Content:Stages et pratiques disciplinaires
q1+q2 200h 10 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans (coord.)
> Christophe Pirenne (coord.)
> Fanch Thoraval (coord.)
> Brigitte Van Wymeersch (coord.)
Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans (coord.)
20 to 30 credits chosen from:FR
q2 30h+20h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Esther Haineaux (compensates Thibault Philippette)
> Thibault Philippette
q2 15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Gaspard Grosjean (compensates Olivier Standaert)
> Olivier Standaert
LCOMU2605 Analysis of televised seriesMCOMU2703 Etudes culturelles -
Professional Focus : Music and Musicology [30.0]
This focus offers students the possibility of practical studies in music, either in interpretation (instruments or singing) or writing (composition, analysis, etc.). This focus is organised in collaboration with IMEP (Institut Supérieur de Musique et de Pédagogie).
30 credits chosen from :Content:Stages et pratiques disciplinairesFR
q1+q2 200h 10 credits
20 to 30 credits chosen from:FR
0h+60h 5 credits
0h+60h 5 credits
30h 5 credits
30h 5 credits
EMUSI5205 Auditions commentées (IMEP)FR
15h 5 credits
15h 5 credits
EMUSI5207 Formation musicale (IMEP)FR
90h 10 credits
EMUSI5211 Théorie de la musique ancienne (IMEP)FR
30h 5 credits
EMUSI5212 Approche de l'ethnomusicologie (IMEP)FR
30h 5 credits
Autre coursL'étudiant choisit tout autre cours du programme de l'IMEP, collectif ou semi-collectif, en accord avec les responsables des programmes des deux institutions. -
Professional Focus : inter-university programme in Historical and Systematic Musicology [30.0]This focus is organized in collaboration with the University of Liège (ULg) and the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)Content:Stages et pratiques disciplinairesLMUSI2899 Work placements and current practice
q1+q2 200h 10 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans (coord.)
> Christophe Pirenne (coord.)
> Fanch Thoraval (coord.)
> Brigitte Van Wymeersch (coord.)
Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans (coord.)
ULiège coursesStudents choose 10 to 15 credits from
q1 30h 5 credits
q2 30h 5 credits
q1 30h 5 credits
q1 30h 5 credits
q1 30h 5 credits
ULB coursesStudents choose 10 to 15 credits from
q2 36h 10 credits
EMUSI5303 Patrimoine musical belge (ULB)FR
q1 24h 5 credits
EMUSI5304 Questions d'histoire comparée des arts en Europe (Temps modernes) (ULB)Prérequis : Formation en philo et lettres
q1 24h 5 credits
q1 24h 10 credits
Autre coursL'étudiant choisit tout autre cours du programme de l'Université libre de Bruxelles ou de l'Université de Liège, après accord du secrétaire de jury et du titulaire du cours concerné.
Students should choose :
- either an option course for 15 credits;
- or 15 credits of courses, with the agreement of the secretary of the examination board.Students must choose an option course of 15 credits or 15 credits of optional courses.-
Option in History of Art [15.0]
This option course offers different history of art courses (iconology, aesthetics, art and literature, art and religion, etc.) which will enable students to deepen their knowledge of the arts and to form critical and considered links between what we can hear and what we can see.
At least 15 credits chosen from :Content:LHART2240 Visual Culture Studies and Art HistoryLHART2340 The history of the avant-gardeLHART2350 Art since 1960LHART2420 Art and Photography -
Option in Animation and Mediation [15.0]
This option course offers students training in museum mediation, communication problems and management of culture.
15 credits chosen from :Content:LHAGI2500 Museum studies: Organisational aspectsLHAGI2540 Museum studies: current challengesLHAGI2550 Museum and Heritage EducationFR
q2 30h 5 credits
Option in Culture and Communication [15.0]
This option course is designed to deepen understanding of the fields of culture, the media, leisure, industry and the communication related to them.
15 credits chosen from :Content:LCOMU2200 Genres, cultures and representationsLCOMU2640 Media education and media literacyFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thibault Philippette
> Camille Tilleul (compensates Thibault Philippette)
MCOMU2109 Pratiques de communication culturelleFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Charlotte Jacquet
> Charlotte Jacquet (compensates Sarah Sepulchre)
Option in the Performing Arts [15.0]
This option course offers students training in the performing arts which will enable them to deepen their knowledge of the fields of opera, operatic tragedy and performance through the study of their extra-musical components (scenography, aesthetics, comparative approach, history of production etc.).
At least 15 credits chosen from :Content:LTHEA2120 Sociology of the theatreLTHEA2141 Stagecraft: history and analysis ILTHEA2142 Stagecraft: history and analysis IILTHEA2151 Theoretical studies in set designLTHEA2206 Theatre and visual artsLROM2791 Literature, theatre and humanities -
Option in Digital Culture and Ethics [15.0]
The digital has transformed our lives and culture to the extent to which everything takes place nowadays in “digital space,” as our own space, time, and existence are all deeply digitalized. In the “culture of connectivity,” the digital is ubiquitous, we are, one way or another, always online, while technology is no longer just ‘at hand’, but already intimately infiltrating and fusing with our thoughts, our sensations, and even our bodies.
The Digital Culture and Ethics Option offers courses focusing on such profound changes brought about by the digital in all walks of life and academic disciplines alike. It invites the students to reflect critically and creatively on the resulting large-scale evolutions and equips them with the right skills and tools for approaching their subject matters from cutting-edge and presently much needed, genuinely effective and encompassing perspectives.
The topics and practical applications taught in this option also open up the scope of our specialized fields to wider cross-disciplinary viewpoints, thus making us ready to be professionally versatile and successful in a deeply transformed digital world.
Content:One course from the list below : (5 credits)LFIAL2630 Automatic language processing methodsLHIST2600 Digital Practices in History ProfessionsCe cours est accessible uniquement à l'étudiant en
master en histoire ou ayant suivi la mineure en histoire.
LEPL2210 Ethics and ICTFR
q2 15h 5 credits > English-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Lionel Scheepmans (compensates Olivier Servais)
LCOMU2640 Media education and media literacyFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thibault Philippette
> Camille Tilleul (compensates Thibault Philippette)
LEUSL2113 Digital EuropeEN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Patricia Nouveau (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Alain Strowel (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
LSOC2002 Digital sociology -
Optional courses [15.0]
This module enables students to draw up an individual programme reflection their own training requirements, with the secretary of the examining board. Students must check with the lecturer in charge that they may follow the course(s) in question. If certain courses are available in the core subjects or in another option course, the credits may not exceed 6 with each of these headings. No courses may be taken from the professional focuses.
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
What is a preparatory module?
It is a set of supplementary classes (courses, practical works, seminars, etc.) from the first cycle (see the non-exhaustive list below). The complementary module (maximum 60 credits) is tailor-made by the jury according to the student's educational background and added to the Master’s programme in order to acquire fundamental knowledge to then pursue the 120 credits of the Master’s programme.
Who is it for?
- Students from a non-university higher education institution
- Candidates admitted with additional training
- Candidates admitted on the file with additional training
All the explanations are in this document (in French).