Archives for ALUMLSM
From 18/09/2020 to 22/05/2021
Re)Inventing your compliance program
(Re)Inventing your Compliance Programm
Are you currently considering a change in your career? Are you looking for a job with purpose? Do you want to acquire new cross-functional management skills?
Are you looking for a fast growing area where you can demonstrate your...
Click to know more From 27 to 28/08/2020
Apprendre à penser avec Platon et Aristote
Apprendre à penser avec Platon et Aristote
Luc de Brabandere, Alumni Ir Civ Matap 1971, est aussi licencié en Philosophie à l'UCLouvain. Fellow du Boston Consulting Group, il a co-fondé Cartoonbase, une agence de communication où les artistes et les...
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