Archives for CORE

Econometrics Seminar

Econometrics Seminar : Arnaud Dufays

Sparse Change-point VAR models Arnaud Dufays, F.R.S.-FNRS Researcher at Université Namur | Visiting professor at Laval University   Abstract : Change-point (CP) VAR models face a dimensionality curse due to the proliferation of parameters that arises when new breaks are detected....
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UCLouvain Seminar

UCLouvain Seminar : Yair Antler

Multilevel Marketing: Pyramid-Shaped Schemes or Exploitative Scams Yair Atler, Tel Aviv University Abstract: It is often argued that forming a monetary union increases financial integration and leads to a more efficient allocation of capital across member countries. To investigate this...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Brown Bag Seminar : Hassan Nosratabadi

Dynamic Choice with Status Quo -   Theory and Design of Efficient Experiment Hassan Nosratabadi, UCLouvain CORE Abstract: We study a model of decision making in which choice situations come in a specific order and the decision maker displays the following status quo...
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EDP Jamboree 2019

UCLouvain is honored to host the next EDP Jamboree 2019,  in the University where it started many years ago ! The Jamboree will take place at CORE Institute, situated  in the centrum of the city of Louvain-la-Neuve. The aim of the annual meeting is to bring together doctoral...
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CORE Lecture Series, by Professor E. Ghysels

The Econometrics of Mixed Frequency (Big) Data Professor Eric Ghysels, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and UCLouvain Professor Ghysels is a fellow ot the American Statistical Association and co-founded with Robert Engle the Society for Financial Econometrics (SoFIE). He is...
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