Archives for CORE

UCLouvain Economics Seminar

James Fenske, Warwick University

Pre-colonial Warfare and Long-Run Development in India James Fenske, Warwick University This paper analyzes the relationship between pre-colonial warfare and long-run development patterns within India. We construct a new, geocoded database of historical conflicts on the Indian...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Brown Bag Seminar: Bart Capéau and Zoé Rongé

"(Almost) all you wanted to know about individual well-being in Belgium: it's in the MEqin-data." Bart Capéau and Zoé Rongé, KULeuven Almost 9% of the people who are worst off in terms of housing, health and consumption report to be more satisfied with their life than more than 70% of...
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Operation Research Seminar

Operations Research Seminar: Erling Andersen

Joint INMA/CORE seminar A primal-dual interior-point algorithm for non symmetric conic optimization Erling Andersen, MOSEK It is well known that primal-dual interior-point algorithms for linear optimization can easily be extended to the case of symmetric conic optimization, as...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Brown Bag Seminar: Anwesha Banerjee

Risk, heterogenous returns and cooperation: an experimental inquiry Anwesha Banerjee, AMSE Individuals often benefit differently from cooperation. Using data from a laboratory experiment, I study contributions when subjects in a group differ in the benefit they get from a public...
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Operations Research Seminar

Operations Research Seminar: Timothy Duglas Mount

The Role of Distributed Storage in Electricity Markets in the USA: Research versus Practice Timothy Douglas Mount, Cornell University This presentation will describe analyses using a stochastic form of multi-period Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow (the MATPOWER Optimal Scheduling...
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