Archives for CORE

Operation Research Seminar

Operations Research Seminar: Josh Taylor

Optimal planning and control of direct current lines in power systems Josh Taylor, University of Toronto Abstract: Direct current transmission of electric power is becoming more and more common as power electronic converters improve. The advantages of DC over AC transmission include...
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Second ExSIDE Jamboree

June 17-19, 2019 Vers le site ExSIDE Papers Presentations have to be sent by May 24, to Prof. V. Vannetelbosch ( and to Catherine Germain ( and will be deposited on a common box.   
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Operation Research Seminar

Operations Research Seminar: Jorge Vera Andreo

Using condition and geometric measures to improve intertemporal consistency in 2-stage decision problems Jorge R. Vera Andreo, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile In many applications, decisions are made in various stages or horizons. For instance, aggregate production planning...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Brown Bag Seminar: Ata Atay

On the core of many-to-many matching markets with transferable utility Ata Atay, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences We study transportation games that model many-to-many matching markets with transferable utility. This model has been considered...
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Operation Research Seminar

Operations Research Seminar: Eddie Anderson

Robust sample average approximation with small sample sizes Eddie Anderson, The University of Sydney  We consider solving stochastic optimization problems in which we seek to minimize the expected value of an objective function with respect to an unknown distribution of random...
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