Archives for CORE

UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Sydney Ludvigson, New York University

Joint with Louvain Finance Seminar
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Operation Research Seminar

Operations Research Seminar: Vladimir Protasov

The maximal acyclic subgraph problem and stability of positive dynamical systems Vladimir Protasov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia The Maximal Acyclic Subgraph (MAS) is the problem of finding the closest (by the total number of cancelled edges) acyclic...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

UCLouvain Economics Seminar: Pietro Biroli

Genetics and Health Insurance: How Genes and Insurance Status Affect Smoking Decisions after Health Shocks Pietro Biroli, University of Zurich The determinants of healthy behaviors are complex and multifaceted, and include both biological factors, such as genetic predispositions, as well...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Brown Bag Seminar: Antoine Dubus

Selling Strategic Information in Digital Competitive Markets Antoine Dubus, Telecom ParisTech This paper investigates the strategies of a data broker in selling information to one or to two competing firms that can price-discriminate consumers. The data broker can strategically choose any...
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The Economics of Digitization

A joint initiative of UCLouvain, Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Liege Competition and Innovation Institute, Telecom ParisTech and Toulouse School of Economics.   Keynote speaker Catherine TUCKER (MIT) Conference Details This 2-day international workshop will be...
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