Archives for CORE

Econometrics and Finance Seminar

Seminar: Christiane Baumeister

Inference in Structural Vector Autoregressions When the Identifying Assumptions are Not Fully Believed: Re-evaluating the Role of Monetary Policy in Economic Fluctuations Christiane BAUMEISTER, University of Notre Dame, USA We demonstrate that formal Bayesian analysis of structural vector...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Seminar: Murat Iyigun

Why Wait? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles Murat Iyigun, University of Colorado, Boulder We document that, over the 20th century, age at first marriage followed a U-shaped pattern, while the gender education gap tracked an inverted-U path in the United States. To...
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Econometrics and Finance Seminar

Seminar: Benjamin Moll

Monetary Policy According to HANK Benjamin MOLL, Princeton University (Joint with Greg Kaplan and Giovanni L. Violante) We revisit the transmission mechanism of monetary policy for household consumption in a Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian (HANK) model. The model yields empirically...
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ECORES Summer School

2017 ECORES Summer School

The 2017 ECORES Summer School on Individual Heterogeneity in Organizations will be held at CORE (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium) on May 30 - June 1, 2017. The event is jointly organized by UCL, ULB and KUL. For more information, visit:
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CEMS PhD Course

CEMS PhD Course

For more information, visit the LFIN website.
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