Archives for CORE

Operations Research Seminar

Seminar: George Liberopoulos

Critical Review of Pricing Schemes in Markets with Non-Convex Costs George LIBEROPOULOS, University of Thessaly We consider a market in which suppliers with asymmetric capacities and asymmetric marginal and fixed costs compete to satisfy a deterministic and inelastic demand of a commodity in a...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Seminar: Alessandro Tarozzi

Evaluation of Alternative Strategies to Increase Demand for and Responses to Information on Arsenic-contaminated Tubewell Water in Bangladesh Alessandro Tarozzi, Univ. Pompeu Fabra  Lack of reliable information on environmental risk is often a key constraint limiting the extent of...
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Operations Research Seminar

Seminar: Benjamin F. Hobbs

Crediting Renewables in Electricity Capacity Markets: The Effects of Alternative Definitions upon Market Efficiency Benjamin F. Hobbs, John Hopkins University As the penetration of intermittent renewable energy in electricity markets grows, there is increasing need for capacity markets to...
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Econometrics and Finance Seminar

Seminar: Jing Cynthia Wu

Time-Varying Lower Bound of Interest Rates in Europe Jing Cynthia WU, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business We study the effectiveness of negative interest rate policy on the yield curve with a new shadow-rate term structure model. We price bonds with forward-looking agents in a...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Seminar: Jérôme Pouyet

Vertical mergers in platform markets Jérôme Pouyet, PSE We analyze the competitive impact of vertical integration between a platform and a manufacturer when platforms provide operating systems for devices sold by manufacturers to customers, and, customers care about the applications developed...
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