Archives for CORE

CORE Nobel Talk

Nobel Talk Robert J. Aumann

Robert J. Aumann, 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, will present a conference on "Rule-rationality: a synthesis of behavioral and mainstream economics". Rule-rationality is a paradigm according to which people do not maximize utility in each of their acts, but rather follow rules or...
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Econometrics and Finance Seminar

Seminar: Kris Boudt

Shrinkage Approaches to the Estimation of Higher Order Moments Kris BOUDT, KULeuven Optimal financial decision making often requires to take into account the higher order comoments of dependent random variables. They are however notoriously difficult to estimate. We propose several...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Seminar: David Neumark

Is It Harder for Older Workers to Find Jobs? New and Improved Evidence from a Field Experiment David Neumark, University of California, Irvine We design and implement a large-scale field experiment – a resume correspondence study – to address a number of potential limitations of existing field...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Seminar: François Maniquet

Preference Responsibility vs Poverty Reduction in the Taxation of Labor Incomes François Maniquet, CORE (Joint work with Lancelot Henry de Frahan, University of Chicago) We study optimal labor income taxation when the objective of the planner combines the ethical values of Pareto efficiency,...
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Operations Research Seminar

Seminar: George Liberopoulos

Critical Review of Pricing Schemes in Markets with Non-Convex Costs George LIBEROPOULOS, University of Thessaly We consider a market in which suppliers with asymmetric capacities and asymmetric marginal and fixed costs compete to satisfy a deterministic and inelastic demand of a commodity in a...
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