Archives for ISBA

11:00 / Statistics Seminars

SEMINAR by Sophie Langer (University of Twente)

Statistics Seminar on "Image classification: A (new) statistical viewpoint" Abstract : In this talk we consider a simple supervised classification problem for object recognition on grayscale images. There are two possible perspectives to solve this problem. Firstly, one can interpret object...
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11:30 / Statistics Seminars

SEMINAR by Mikolaj Kasprzak (MIT and University of...

"How good is your Laplace approximation? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences" Abstract :The Laplace approximation is a popular method for providing mean and variance estimates for a Bayesian posterior. But can we trust these estimates for practical use? One might...
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14:30 / Applied statistics workshops

WORKSHOP by Robby De Pauw (Sciensano)

  "Projecting prevalence rates by Age-Period-Cohort models for the Belgian population - opportunities and pitfalls" Abstract: Repeated cross-sectional health interview surveys provide important information on the health status of a specific region. However,...
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16:00 / Applied statistics workshops

WORKSHOP by Christian Ritter (UCLouvain)

WORKSHOP by Christian Ritter (UCLouvain) "Interesting Internet Data Sources" Abstract: In this talk, I shall visit a collection of internet sources to find data about important subjects in health, wealth, environment, and life in general. This will include the Gapminder, Eurostat,...
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16:00 / Applied statistics workshops

WORKSHOP by Bernadette Govaerts (UCLouvain)

 WORKSHOP by Bernadette Govaerts (UCLouvain) "Combinaison de méthodes de tests multiples et multivariées pour la modélisation de données -omiques issues d’un plan expérimental" Résumé: De nombreuses technologies modernes sont utilisées pour analyser des échantillons issus de plans...
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