Archives for ISBA

09:30 / Statistics Seminars joined ISBA - AHIDDA

CANCELLED - SEMINAR by Marie Chion (University of Cambridge)

CANCELLED This is a joined ISBA statistics and AHIDDA group seminar by Marie CHION MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK on "Accounting for multiple imputation in differential quantitative proteomics" Abstract :...
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14:30 / Applied statistics workshops

WORKSHOP by Marie Chion (University of Cambridge)

WORKSHOP by Marie Chion (University of Cambridge) "Données manquantes et imputation : application à la protéomique quantitative" Résumé: En statistique, une valeur est dite manquante lorsqu’elle n’est pas observée. Elle peut être due à une non-réponse ou à des problèmes expérimentaux par...
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11:30 / Statistics Seminars

SEMINAR by Chenlei Leng (University of Warwick)

SEMINAR by Chenlei Leng (University of Warwick) "Sparse Models for Sparse Networks" Abstract:: Network data are frequently collected in modern society and science.  Stylized features of a typical network include network sparsity, degree heterogeneity and homophily among many others....
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14:30 / Applied statistics workshops

WORKSHOP by Kira Alhorn and Maria Lanzerath (W. L. Gore...

WORKSHOP by Kira Alhorn and Maria Lanzerath (W. L. Gore & Associates) "Application of an OMARS design to a polymerization process" Abstract: Statisticians at W.L. Gore & Associates partner with engineers and scientists across the organization to ensure data driven decisions when...
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16:00 / Applied statistics workshops

WORKSHOP by Kira Alhorn and Maria Lanzerath (W. L. Gore...

  Kira Alhorn and Maria Lanzerath (W. L. Gore & Associates, Germany) Hands-on analysis of data from the OMARS experiment Note: This practical session will be held in our computer room C045. If you would like to participate and are not a member of...
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