Archives for HOOVER

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Workshop on Facts, Concepts, Norms and Values

Hybrid workshop jointly organized by The Center for the Study of Rationalities and Beliefs (University of Bucharest) and the Hoover Chair of Social and Economic Ethics (UCLouvain) Conveners: Laurentiu Gheorge (UNIBUC) and Axel Gosseries (Hoover Chair and ICUB) This workshop aims at...
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With UB and Rotterdam
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Mich "Are tech-lumpenproletarians dominated?"

Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Juan Olano Are tech-lumpenproletarians dominated? “Tech-lumpenproletariat” refers to the mass of chronically unemployed people displaced from the labour market by automation. Such can be the situation of cashiers in the case of self-checkout machines or...
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BIP #14 : The Ethics of Surrogacy

Shedule By Anca Gheaus and Christine Straehle 11:15 Opening Remarks Axel Gosseries (Un. catholique de Louvain) 11:20 Introduction 11:30 Anca Gheaus (Central European University) and Christine Straehle (Hamburg University) Chapter 1 Defending Surrogacy as Reproductive Labour...
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Midi de l'éthique "Quels modèles de financement pour une...

L’évolution de nos habitudes de vie, de notre environnement technologique et du monde économique bouleversent l’écosystème des medias. La place prise par les GAFA, l’endettement persistant de nos Etats, la modification de notre rapport à la lecture ou les phénomènes de concentration industrielle...
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