Archives for HOOVER

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Fellow's workshop

Niko and Pietro Intropi Go Funded? A plan for fertility-based pension funding in the public pension system By Niko Väänänen Public pension systems have been successful in preventing old-age poverty. Yet, the financial sustainability of these systems is threatened by low fertility...
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E- Mich - "Making housing insulation compulsory and free...

Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Olivier Malay Housing accounts for a significant share of carbon emissions and is therefore an important part of an ecological transition. In this respect, the Walloon Region's strategy aims at reducing energy emissions from the residential sector by -68%...
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E-Mich - "Disability and Justice as Minimising Domination"

Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Marie Sepulchre « The rights of persons with disabilities are often ignored or jeopardised because they ‘cost too much’. This article proposes that a major reason for the shaky status of disability rights regards difficulties concerning their justification...
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Coronavirus E-Mich #17 "Ethique économique et pandémie"

Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Etienne de Callataÿ Les questions éthiques soulevées par les conséquences économiques de la pandémie et des mesures prises pour y faire face sont innombrables: il y a les trade-offs en termes de santé, avec implicitement le débat du prix d'une vie humaine;...
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Disputationes #17

DISPUTATIONES # 17 14:00 – 14:30 Colin ROWE (KU Leuven) “Satisfied but confused: The intrinsic need for simplicity in voting systems” 14:30 – 15:00 Kevin HARTMANN (UCLouvain) “The Privatization of the Unconstitutionality Action in Colombia” 15:00 – 15:30 Josette DAEMEN (Leiden...
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