Archives for HOOVER

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Mardi intime: Do markets conflict with communal reciprocity?

Louis Larue (UCL, Chaire Hoover) My purpose is to isolate intrinsic features of the market that are ethically right or wrong. First, I argue that the market is a system of coordination of actions that implies a certain form of social relation and a certain way of valuing objects. Second, I...
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Mardi intime: Objection de conscience et moralité de rôle

Jocelyn Maclure (Faculté de philosophie, Université Laval) et Isabelle Dumont (École de travail social, Université du Québec à Montréal) Un nombre grandissant d'États, dont maintenant le Canada, permet l'euthanasie ou le suicide assisté. D'un côté, des médecins et des établissements de...
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Mardi intime: Justice, Federations and Solidarity

Cristián Fatauros (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica, Argentina & KU Leuven), Advocates of federalism claim that economic inequalities should be regarded as morally justified as long as they are the outcome of the legitimate exercise of the self-government of the federal sub-units....
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Mardi intime: Le revenu social garanti dans les...

Davide Gallo Lassere (Paris-X Nanterre), Depuis la crise des années 1970, plusieurs perspectives ont mis en lumière les liens qui se sont tissés entre 1) la dissolution du rapport salarial, 2) la centralité de la métropole et 3) l’exigence d’un revenu social garanti. Le post-opéraïsme...
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Books in progress #4 - Julian Culp

Julian CULP, Transnational Democratic Education. Attendance is free. If you wish to access the manuscript before the workshop, please register after April 13 by sending an email to: Danielle Zwarthoed The basic idea that motivates this book is that educational public policy should aim at...
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