Archives for HOOVER

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Symposium plénier

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Theories of Revolution

  1. Louis Carré, University of Namur: Kant and Hegel's theories of revolution 2. Jean Matthys, UC Louvain: Balibar, Zizek et Graeber's theories of revolution 3. Guilel Treiber, KU Leuven: Foucault, Arendt and Koselleck's theories of revolutio
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"Migration and Citizenship" Symposium

This event is part of the 8th SoPhA Congress (2-5 July) Speakers are: 1. Eva-Maria Schäfferle, Université Grenoble-Alpes and Goethe University Frankfurt :"Citizens, Non-Citizens and In-Between: Transnational Citizenship and the Boundaries of the Demos" 2. Florian Grosser, Santa...
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Discussion on Democratic Communities

Clarisse and Amaël will discuss Florian Grosser's article "Uncommon Communities:Rethinking Democratic Coexistence in an Age of Forced Migration". Florian will reply to their comments.
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Belgium, a utopia for our times ?

  A critical discussion of Philippe VAN PARIJS’s forthcoming book: Belgium. Une utopie pour notre temps (L’Académie en Poche), Belgium. Een utopie voor onze tijd (Polis). The event is being coordinated by Paul DE GRAUWE. More details in due course.  
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