Archives for HOOVER

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Ethical Forum: Towards Anglophone universities?

In universities on both sides of our linguistic border, English has been making steady progress in recent years. In many fields, all publications are in English, and in the others, researchers are strongly encouraged to publish in English. A growing number of study programmes are offered...
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Midi: L’université doit-elle encourager la « slow...

On connaît le « Slow Food » mais un peu moins la « Slow Science ». Quelles sont les revendications de ce mouvement ? S’agit-il de s’inquiéter du fait que les financeurs nous contraignent de plus en plus à anticiper à l’excès les résultats d’une recherche avant même de l’avoir initiée, ne...
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Hoover - Costa Rica Workshop

November 29, 2018 Presentation n°1 - Normalization of statutory rape in Costa Rica Laura Cristina Blanco School of Economics, Universidad de Costa Rica Abstract On January 13th, 2017, came into effect the law 9406 Strengthening of legal protections for girls and teenage women facing...
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Mich: Taking the temporal dimension of sustainability...

Coline Ruwet (ICHEC), I want to argue for the importance of introducing the analysis of time to deepen our understanding of the constraints we face to tackle the current sustainability turmoil as well as envisioning new potential pathways for social change. To do so, I will develop two main...
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Super Mich: The importance of TV Media for Democratic...

Lisa Basishvili Georgia, a post-Soviet country, embarked after its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 on a path towards greater democratization and integration into Euro-Atlantic organizations. However, the country’s gradual decrease in democracy (5.93 out of 10 – democracy index)...
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