Archives for HOOVER

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Mardi intime: Catering for Responsibility: Brute Luck,...

Anthony Taylor (Bernheim Fellow, Oxford) In this paper I defend three claims which together constitute a defence of the liberal public reason requirement that the exercise of political power be justifiable to each reasonable citizen. (1) If we were in circumstances where our moral and rational...
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L’éthique de l’échange: réciprocité et self-interest

Adolfo RODRIGUEZ HERRERA (Université du Costa Rica)
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How to integrate fairness in policy design – the case of...

Stijn NEUTELEERS (BIOGOV, Université Catholique de Louvain) Contrary to the standard view in economics, this paper assumes that fairness and efficiency should be dealt with together in designing policy instruments. It is however an open question how fairness can be incorporated in policy...
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Terrorisme: faut-il faire exception aux règles de l’Etat...

Ce midi de l’éthique sera introduit par: Françoise TULKENS, Juriste et criminologue, Professeure émérite à l’UCL et ancienne juge et vice-présidente de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (Strasbourg) de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (Strasbourg) et Alain GRIGNARD, Islamologue,...
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Do central banks promote social justice?

Clément FONTAN (CNRS, Sciences Po Grenoble) The central bank, as one paradigmatic example of semi-autonomous body within the State bodies, has a moral contract with society. Indeed, the crucial social tasks performed by central banks since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) indicate that they...
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