Lecture « Judicial (Dis-)Appointments, Judicial Independence and the European High Courts »

04 décembre 2017



Auditoire Doyen 31

Pr. Mitchel Lasser, dans le cadre du cours "Droit Constitutionnel" du Pr. Céline Romainville

Dans le cadre du Louvain Global College of Law, le CeDIE et le CRECO accueilleront le Professeur Mitchel Lasser (Cornell) du 4 au 8 décembre 2017.

On December 4th, Pr. Mitchel Lasser will give a lecture on « Judicial (Dis-)Appointments, Judicial Independence and the European High Courts ».

In 2009 and 2010, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights both underwent surprisingly significant and surprisingly similar institutional/procedural reforms: judicial nominations to each were henceforth to be screened in advance by blue ribbon panels of experts. Why did this come suddenly to pass after those courts had been in existence for over 50 years? Intergovernmentalist, neoinstitutionalist and constructivist theories can be combined to offer coherent and novel answers.