Séminaire | Les enjeux épistémologiques et méthodologiques des standards globaux

07 février 2019


Faculté de droit - Collège Thomas More

Salle Jean Dabin

Whereas an undertheorized practice of constitutional law such as that of the Venice Commission is actual, effective, and broadly regarded as fruitful, the current state of the academic, theoretical literature on comparative constitutional law does not reflect or duly acknowledge this fact, but, focusing on its own universe, tends to embrace some form of “anything goes” methodological pluralism. Such a jarring gap between the theory and practice of comparative constitutional represents an issue that needs to be addressed. Prof. Saint-Hilaire's hypothesis is that it can be by both making the Commission's methodologically explicit and epistemologically elucidating it under the light of Jeremy Waldron's idea of ius gentium.

Séminaire animé par le Prof. Saint-Hilaire, Université de Sherbrooke, dans le cadre du Louvain Global College of Law. Participation gratuite mais inscription obligatoire (sandwichs prévus) auprès de Magali Dupont.