Debate on Social Justice

18 May 2016

15:30 - 17:30

CORE, b-135

CORE-Chaire Hoover seminar within the framework of the 50th anniversary of CORE, introduced by Marc FLEURBAEY (Princeton University, DHC UCLouvain) and Philippe VAN PARIS (Chaire Hoover). Moderator: Erik SCHOKKAERT (KU Leuven). Organizer: François MANIQUET (CORE).

This meeting corganized by CORE and the Chaire Hoover aims at a better understanding of the similarities and differences between the approaches to social justice articulated respectively by philippe Van Parijs in Real Freedom for All (Oxford Univesity Press, 1995) and Marc Fleurbaey in Fairness, Responsability and Welfare (Oxford University Press, 2008). Prior reading of P. Van Parijs, "Basic income and social justice: why philosophers disagree" (Joseph Rowntree Foundation Lecture, York, 2009) and of the last chapter of M. Fleurbaey's book ("Responsability, Freedom and Social Justice") are recommended.


3.30 p.m.: Welcome Coffee (CORE lounge)

4.00 p.m.: Debate

5.30 p.m.: End of the debate


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