2018 honorary doctorate recipients

EVENTS Louvain-La-Neuve

On the theme of digital culture

On 5-6 February 2018, the University Celebration takes place in the context of the Louvain Year of Digital Worlds, chosen by university authorities as the theme of the 2017-18 academic year. On Monday 5 February UCL will award honorary doctorate degrees to three individuals whose professions are spearheaded by digital technology:

By deciding to explore Digital Worlds, UCL takes time to envisage and reflect on transformations induced by new technologies in our relationship to writing, knowledge and power, and in social relations. The individuals who will be honoured 5 February will bring these aspects to light, with particular emphasis on the human dimension of digital technology and the depth of changes currently taking place.
On the programme for 5 February:

  • 4:30 pm: Celebration of the Eucharist, Saint-François d’Assise Church
  • 6:15: UCL honorary doctorate award ceremony, Aula Magna
  • 8:00: Reception, main hall, Aula Magna

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Other opportunities to meet and interact are planned on Tuesday 6 February2018, on the campuses of Woluwe and Louvain-la-Neuve:
On the Woluwe campus:

  • Anant Agarwal:
    • 11:00-12:15: Forum in English on digital teaching practices for studying medicine (lecture hall: Auditoire Maisin).
    • 12:30-13:30: lecture-debate in English, on current and future influence of digital technology on health education and teaching. Introduction by his sponsors, Franck Verschuren and Françoise Docq (lecture hall: Auditoire Lacroix).

On the Louvain-la-Neuve campus:

  • Mitchell Baker:
    • 12:00-2:00: meeting, in English, at Louvain House (Aula Magna) as part of its ‘Rencontres de la LH’ on: Free software: intellectual property aspects’ (limited seating).
    • 4:00-5:30: public lecture, in English, on Mozilla: Strategic Vision and Goals’ (lecture hall: Auditoire Sud 18).
  • Milad Doueihi:
    • 12:50-13:55: meeting on Digital technology: a new culture’. Confidence, memory, identities, friendship, democracy… concepts renegotiated by digital technology are as numerous as they are essential. Digital humanism, at the heart of Milad Doueihi's work, invites us to think about these new realities. Meeting led by his sponsor Professor Aurore François (lecture hall: Auditoire Montesquieu 3).

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Information and required registration for the above events:

Registration in accordance with available seating.
Event entrance requires presentation of the confirmation email and your staff, student or ID card.
