Archives for HOOVER

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Mich: Participation of the poor in research: why and how...

Agathe Osinski and Katarina Pitasse Fragoso Over the past decades, governments and international organizations have increasingly supported participatory research in the context of poverty. Consider the World Bank’s Participatory Poverty Assessments (PPAs) and the International Movement ATD...
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Mich: Atelier d'écriture

John Pitseys, Atelier d'écriture Imaginez notre monde, tel qu'il est, à un détail près, qui le fait basculer dans de la SF de série B: un mystérieux virus frappe une partie substantielle de la population, l'affligeant d'une série de caractéristiques reconnaissables, d'handicaps, et de...
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Mich: From moral principles to political judgments

Pierre-Etienne Vandamme (KU Leuven) Political judgments – whether to vote for A or B or to prefer policy x or y – are usually a combination of a normative principle or intuition with an appreciation of empirical facts. When building political judgments, one can hardly do otherwise than...
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Book in Progress #9: Ludvig Beckman

Chap. 1. The democratic boundary problem: a comprehensive account (10 pages) Chap 3. Binding norms and collective decisions: the basic grammar of democratic inclusion (25 pages) -> Commentator = Camille Chap 4. State capacity, fundamental interests and democratic inclusion (25 pages)
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EthicsLab’s (Ethics and Public Policy Laboratory):...

After 5 editions of the Yaoundé Seminar, an international summer school established in 2012 to reduce academic inequality between Western and African junior researchers and provide an African platform for debates on political theory, we are happy to announce the creation of the Ethics and Public...
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