Practical information



The modules are held on average once a month, from January to June, in Louvain-la-Neuve on Thursday and Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

Module 1 : Thursday 6 & Friday 7 February 2025
Module 2 : Thursday 20 & Friday 21 February 2025
Module 3 : Thursday 13 & Friday 14 March 2025
Module 4 : Thursday 27 March & Friday 28 March 2025
Module 5 : Thursday 17 & Friday 18 April 2025
Module 6 : Thursday 5 & Friday 6 June 2025
Follow-up session : Thursday 9 October 2025

The vehicular languages are French and English. The participants must have a good passive knowledge of both and be proficient in one.

Discover our brochure !

Registration fees

The price for the full programme is €6,450 (vat excluded). A 10% non-cumulative reduction is granted to participants who sign up before 1st November 2024, contributing AILouvain and LSM alumni, as well as members of Agoria, Biowin, the Cercle du Lac, Greenwin, Skywin, Wagralim, Essenscia, MecaTech & Logistics in Wallonia.

The registration fees include the training sessions, instructional materials, coffee breaks and lunches. Participants can stay at the LLN Ibis Style or Martin's Agora at their expense.

A programme "à la carte" comprising module 1 (required) and an elective from among modules 2, 3, 4 or 5, is available at a price of €1650 per module (vat excluded). This programme is intended for people who are interested only in an initiation/introduction to innovation. It does not provide admission to the Business project.

We accept 89 training vouchers.

In case of withdrawal, compensation shall be payable: 

  • More than 15 business days before the date of the course: 20 % of the registration fees
  • Between 6 and 15 business days before the date of the course: 50% of the registration fees
  • Fewer than 5 working days before the date of the course: 100% of the registration frees


To register

An online registration form on this site must be completed. The academic officials of the programme will approve the registration form on a first-come, first-served basis and see to the coherence of the group of participants. As only 25 people can register per course, we advise you not to delay signing up.

University certificate

A university certificate of 10 ECTS will be issued if the Business Project is presented successfully.
The Business Project consists of applying one of the approaches studied in the programme to solve a concrete problem in your company with the help of a coach. It requires a brief written report (which may be confidential) and a presentation of the results and recommendations for the company to a panel.